George Nettleton
George Nettleton
is a South Yorkshire born actor
based in West London.
A RADA Foundation Graduate
and member of the National Youth Theatre,
he specialises in Screen, Stage and Voice Over.
The Miner's Son
Has its official BBFC rating
of 15.
Its Official Trailer is
available on YouTube
via the link bellow:

Curt Dennis - Director
"I found George as he
was waiting for another audition
at the same location.
Despight not knowing anything about
my project, I invited him
to audition for my film.
George got the part
despight no prep, was early
to set each day, and had
the character's backstory
mapped out before we even began filming."

Ben Raith - Assis. Director
"George is a fantastic actor
and great to direct.
He's willing to take direction,
but also creative
enough to suggest
his own ideas, find nuance
and depth in characters
and deliver top quality